The Themes of Years Past
ONCE UPON A TIME, actually exactly 8 years ago, I started theming each new year. This tradition began during my undergraduate Yale days, where I was a motivated, but mostly stressed out pre-med student trying to make it out on the New Haven streets. And by that I really mean make it to graduation with a GPA that signaled to MD-PhD programs that I was worthy of completing almost a decade more of school...but I digress. Theming each year during undergrad was my way of hyping myself up. The theme became the thesis for my year, and the subsequent months the supporting paragraphs.
As the years hurled by - and yes I do mean hurled because time as an adult does not play games - the tradition stuck and I started using themes to frame 2-3 core goals for the new year. Overtime, my friends came to anticipate the theme, and I too spent considerable time reflecting on the past year, the upcoming new year, and what I wanted the future to look like. Theming each year is not only fun, it's also a way to ground our actions in the new year with purpose. After all, #NewYearNewMe sounds better than #NewYearSameMe does it not?
I will as per tradition be unveiling 2018's theme on January 1st, but this time on WahalaJr! Before I do, I thought it would be nice to write a Buzzfeed-type amalgamation post on all the previous years' themes. Because obviously here are "8 Past Year Themes That Really Nailed How We Were All Feeling." I also included a representative picture from that year, which I believe captures the spirit of the theme.
2017 - Year of the Shield
I started reading a lot more books in 2017 as my method of unplugging from the world, stimulating my brain, and exercising self-care. Also Knowledge = Power.
We live in an ever changing and fast paced world, one that we hope is marked by continued progress and the spread of good will. But as many events of 2016 showed us, progress can not be taken for granted, and stagnation and regression do occur. In our pursuit to launch ourselves to greater heights, we may sometimes fall short, and worse yet, “they", the infamous and nebulous “they" may be working to push us down, hinder our progress and disillusion us from our visions.
This is where the concept of “shields” becomes important. Shields, defensive tools that protect their users from danger, help safeguard us from the people, forces, and situations that threaten to diminish our shine. And so as we begin a new year, let 2017 be the year that we cultivate our shields, strengthen our shields, and lend our shields to friends and family in need. Shields in this abstract sense can take many forms, from more intentional acts of self-care and self-love to a renewed and intensified defense of the personal and civic values we hold dear.
As we journey forward, we can only hope to progress, but the only certainty is that there will be challenges and challengers along the way. And when we encounter them, we fight back. Why? Because the fight itself is worth it. We will be shielded nonetheless and prepared to win :).
Happy New Year's everyone!
2016 – Year of Exploration
Taking in the view on top of a mountain in the 'Iao State Valley Park in Maui, Hawaii. It was this Bronx Boy's first time hiking and I lived to tell the tale, and most importantly 'Gram It.
As the years progress, our ambitions, activities, and daily schedules become cemented. We seek stability while marching forward on seemingly straight paths that lead us to what we hope are bright futures. Although admirable, we also run the risk of complacency. This comfort engenders a stagnation of vision and precipitates a loss of courage, courage that is necessary to take risks that launch people higher than they ever imagined.
Let 2016 be the year where we not only focus our vision on what lies straight ahead, but also on what lies to our sides, and also above, below, and even behind us. In order to access those visions, I dedicate this year to the exploration of new experiences, new places, new friends (sorry Drake), and new networks. An intrepid spirit and a mind primed for exploration has taken our species to the moon and beyond. With those two traits in hand, I hope 2016 comes with the imagining, landing, and anchoring of new spaces (hehe) and visions.
Happy New Year's everyone!
2015 – Year of the Network
Posing with the black medical and dental student community at Harvard Medical School. This community is not only excellence personified, the people here have been instrumental in creating a home away from home in Boston.
As the years progress, our world is becoming increasingly interconnected; we can no longer operate as single agents or groups on isolated islands, nor can we afford to. The tragedies of 2014 and the collective response they incited display the power of solidarity and the strength we can muster from one another to tackle challenges and injustices.
Let 2015 be a year where we invest in beautiful, nurturing, and inspiring networks. For our lived experiences are embedded in a meshwork of family, friends, mentors, colleagues etc. They are the fertile ground through which the seeds of our future are sown and indeed represent the foundation of our success for years to come!
Happy New Year's everyone!
2014 – Year of the Diamond
Summer 2014 - serving my best 'Blue Steel' decked out with my Yale gear before matriculating into enemy territory at Harvard Medical School. The Black and Blue was meant to symbolize my resolve.
Nature’s toughest mineral, the diamond embodies resilience, stability, and natural beauty. Let 2014 be a year where we transform our raw material fledging selves into hardy, beautiful, can do individuals, ready to overcome life’s pressures. No pun intended.
Happy New Year's everyone!
2013 – Year of the Launch
My MPhil Thesis in Biochemistry from the University of Cambridge. I call this 140 page document my academic baby . Writing this thesis solidified my decision to pursue an MD-PhD and has since spawned two papers! A launch indeed.
Launch yourself to a new stratosphere of excellence in everything you do. Think critically about your actions especially in key life moments. Do not act on fantastical notions or imagined future realities. Deal with the present, and deal with it effectively. Be unabashed in your quest to excellence but remember to always have fun and dance.
Happy New Year's everyone!
The college themes. No pictures included because I prefer to keep those photos vaulted up aka deep in the annals of Facebook.
2012 – Year of the Flight
2011 – Year of the Future
2010 – Year of the Beast