love at the red roots
hearts suit it, but followed
by the mimicry of scorn
beware: what hope heals
truthless verdict leaves torn
fire and fallen leaves, stunning
glow of a dying day in orange
points the way to rebirth,
recreation, truth unended
unoffended by narrow confusion
that mistakes light for merely illusion
life's gold is the sunlight we taste, swallow whole
yellow flower in power unfolding
to sustenance
we eat of one sun and become fellows in
spirit, the green fulcrum, heart of the arc
where the many stand reflected
and join in hand to
one light in the dark
my soul is a string that sings
in my voice, blue melodies
memorializing choice
take up a refrain
and in the echoes our names will remain
cooled in indigo memory
keep yourself in mind
and in still waters find
your ripples rebounded
your meaning expounded
washed up clean on the rock of our
principles, unviolent
on the cusp of transcendent unseen
in between one word and the next
what connects us to our best selves
when the rest falls away?
let us pray
(c) 2017 Jane P. B. Hozier