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andrea gilliam

Andrea Gilliam came to meditation and yoga seeking a safe space while pregnant with her daughter, Genevieve.  As her body transformed and changed, yoga helped her mind stay calm and her body stay strong.  When she’s not practicing law, playing with her daughter, or teaching yoga, she enjoys snuggling with Manny, her rescued Tibetan Terrier, also known as the holy dogs of Tibet.

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Alisha Lineswala 

Alisha came to yoga to connect with her heritage. She teaches an all-levels class that emphasizes breath-linking and functional movement, as well as curious exploration of the transitions and shapes in each practice. Alisha enjoys teaching special populations, including gentle yoga for older adults and practitioners living with disabilities, and prenatal and postnatal yoga for women. She strives to empower her students to discover themselves on the mat through inquiry, meditation, and presence.

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Kelsey Harkness

Kelsey recently became a certified yoga instructor and is loving every minute of it. However, she calls herself a “reporter by day, yogi by night.” Like many people who come to Washington, D.C., she's a political/policy junkie with hopes of changing the world. Be sure to follow her on @capitalyogagirl on Instagram for the latest!


john A. stevenson

John  came to meditation and yoga as a way to find a new challenge. In working as a research professor, John had become alienated from his own sense of physicality and everyday movement, and in not thinking of himself as flexible, yoga was quite the challenge. As his body changed, yoga helped his mind learn focus and ease, bringing a needed sense of balance to a Type-A life. When he’s not working as a social scientist , or teaching yoga, John enjoys traveling (to eat and shop) and working as the founding editor of the South Living Room