Feelings have a lot more to tell us about wellness than they do about truth.
Thought of the Day
Love it as powerfully now
as you know you’ll miss it then.
Don’t it always seem to go…
Photo by Serrah Galos on Unsplash
Reflections from down the road
We walk through our lives backwards. Too often we have our eyes fixed on the experiences we have already passed, as we go stumbling into unanticipated obstacles heels first. Our mortal selves cannot turn around. We are reliant on our spiritual senses to visualize the clear course through the unseen. Our souls can see what our flesh does not: a path to a future that has already been.
A breath of eloquence
That which forsakes
all it is not
has failed itself.
Everything is a metaphor
Well, it seems like updating two times a month is about my speed right now, so I'm just going to embrace that and go with it. All things in cycles, right?
Today's focal thought is one that has popped into my head and made me laugh quite a few times in the last decade: Everything is a metaphor for something else. A glass of water describes optimism. A sunny day expresses happiness. Our minds are homes, climate change is like a fever, and our bodies reflect the entire world.
In things outside of ourselves we see ourselves, and we build the rooms of our mind from the visions we invite to stay. I drew a picture of my mental house once. It's an exciting place: it has a library, a courtyard with a tree, a dedicated A/V room, a work console, an incinerator... And then I lost the map. Fitting, really. I've always felt slightly nuts anyway.
So now, picture with me: a bright light shines inside an infinitely-faceted prism. The light shines through every side, and looks a little different from every angle, but it's the same light. All are facets are equally touched, equally illuminated, one has only to look through.
Photo by Mark Daynes on Unsplash
That is my working metaphor for God.