About the slr

For anyone who drifted off to sleep in 2015 and awoke in 2017, it must feel like a dark, twisted fantasy.

Almost every piece of 2016 shouted that so much of what we love and hold dear, so many of the ways that we make and find joy, were under siege. 

It didn't really matter what our politics were or whether we were even political at all: we all felt some kind of way.

"Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today to get through this thing called life."

Some of us felt left behind, watching our communities and ways of life crumble while our pleas and champions were mocked and laughed at; others of us felt like the lives we just barely discovered how to live were were going to be snatched away. 

The SLR is here to be our gathering place for renewed joy and personal empower. A place to turn our hearts toward art, and every day folks create amazing things that sustain and speak to folks on a deeper level.  

Here in the SLR some select hosts will share how we live, what we see, what we feel and how we are engaged in our communities, families and work. 

Each one, reach one. 

Each host has their own story and their own journey of joy to share; no two hosts' curations will be the same.

Come join us for some good warm vibes in the South Living Room.

Channel Descriptions

Confessions of a Global Dandy: Curated by the founding editor, John A. Stevenson, this Channel is a bold and distinctive globe-trotting exploration of fashion, fitness, ferocity, family, fraternity, friendship (and consonance) with an irreverent twist. Travel with John, through this channel, and empower yourself to create your best journey of your own.

Small Things: Small things are achievable, no matter what else is going on, because we often have control over small things. This Channel is a big corner of the South Living Room where Amy gathers us to think and talk about small things—the ancillary stuff that simultaneously decorates the edge of life and makes up its core, the things that matter tremendously, but can be overlooked or underestimated. 

Everyday Courage:  How many of you folks have spent most of your lives afraid of personal conflict and willing to stay silent when you disagree? Inspired in part by raising a beautiful, spunky daughter way more outgoing than her mother, Jane invites us on her journey of finding Everyday Courage to end silences and push through discomfort. The wisdom and beauty of her reflections empower all us to better see the opportunities for everyday courage in each of our lives. 

Podcast: The Scam Frontier: Time, the OG universal construct, is also our most precious resource. “The Scam Frontier”, a forthcoming podcast, is hosted by Chidi and John, two friends, cosmically linked, who are still discovering topics they share deep appreciation for. The podcast will dish savage receipts, deconstruct all the constructs, and slay all day. In that order. Listen and reclaim your time with us! In addition to the podcast, from time to time, we will come together to share joint creations that showcase the very best interplay of Black Excellence and Black Opulance. 

One SLR: Browse all the latest posts from all the authors at once!